Social management

Through the Julio Simões Institute, SIMPAR and its subsidiaries channel social investments that improve the relationships with the communities while fostering the creation of value in the locations where they are present.

For its actions to be effective, the company adopts engagement plans and assesses the impact of its Group’s operations while also maintaining complaints channels for communicating with local communities. Metrics are also applied to the corporate programs, and these are evaluated using specific indicators. To that end, a diagnosis carried out in 2019 served as the basis, em 2020, for mapping the needs of the municipalities in order to structure action plans focused on sustainable development.

Moreover, SIMPAR and its subsidiaries are signatories to commitments intended to generate socioenvironmental value, and they continue to endorse institutions and initiatives with which they share the ideals of sustainable development.


The Global Compact and the UN: The company became a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact in 2014. Additionally, SIMPAR participates in the Integrity Working Group of the UN Global Compact – Brazil Network.

Movimento Mulher 360: SIMPAR signed up, in 2019, to the Movimento Mulher 360 whose aim is to contribute to the economic empowerment of Brazilian women by fostering, systematizing and disclosing advances in business policies and practices, with the emphasis on engaging the Brazilian business community and society in general on the issue.

Business Pact for Integrity and Against Corruption: SIMPAR will formally adhere to the Business Pact for Integrity and Against Corruption, of Instituto Ethos, in 2021.

GHG Protocol: In 2019, SIMPAR became a member of the GHG Protocol. The GHG Protocol is a tool used for understanding, quantifying and managing GHG emissions. SIMPAR ‘s inventory is available for consultation by the general public, reinforcing transparency in the disclosure of its subsidiaries’ emissions.

Liberta Institute: SIMPAR is a partner of Liberta Institute whose mission is to counter the sexual exploitation of children and adolescents in Brazil.

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