
SIMPAR and its subsidiaries participate in various social projects, besides presenting their own initiatives that have an impact on the communities where they operate. Through a socioeconomic mapping of municipalities, it bases its actions on a diagnosis of the social and environmental issues of each location, prioritizing the formation of social support networks and local development.

Você Quer? Você Pode! (If You want it, You Can!)

The professional training and inclusion project caters to young adults living in foster homes or in situations of extreme social vulnerability. In partnership with local institutions, the initiative works on the training of professional technical skills and socio-emotional competencies. The program contributes to personal and professional development and income generation.

Profissionais da Simpar junto com jovens

Ligado em Você (Connected to You)

A project aimed at Our People and their families, which acts with integral care and promotes the wellbeing of our employees in the social, professional, health, and legal areas, with specialized professionals.

Logo de Ligado em Você

Mulheres na Direção (Women Behind the Wheel)

By understanding that the logistics segment is historically occupied by men and placing respect for diversity, the program aims to give women the opportunity to work as drivers, by means of training in the area and the possibility of being hired by the Company.

Profissional da JSL em frente a caminhão estacionado

Programa Na Mão Certa (On the Right Track)

It is an initiative developed by Childhood Brasil and aims to protect children and adolescents, with a focus on tackling sexual abuse and exploitation. The Program has been supported by JSL since 2007 and in 2021 SIMPAR joined it, mobilizing internal actions to raise awareness of the issue.

Profissional da Simpar sentado no banco de motorista

Caminho do Bem (The Path of Good)

The campaign gives employees the opportunity to allocate up to R% of their income tax to projects already supported by the company. In 2021, R$ 546,000 was raised, with 47,507 direct beneficiaries and 181,371 indirect beneficiaries.

Duas crianças com bonecas brincando

Segurança das Pessoas (People Safety)

The safety of employees and third parties receives special and continuous attention from SIMPAR and its subsidiaries through a number of actions, with the aim of achieving zero accidents and full protection of life.

Funcionários da Simpar trabalhando em caminhão da JSL

Julio Simões Institute

Learn more about the Institute, established in 2006, which directs investments from SIMPAR and our business to their projects, such as the Inverno do Bem (Winter of Good), Cidadão Julio (Citizen Julio) and Natal Solidário (Christmas Solidarity).

Learn More
Logo do Instituto Julio Simões