
Sustainable growth, with decisions that contemplate the Economic, Environmental, Social, and Governance dimensions in the Group and its subsidiaries.


We have policies and actions aimed at the efficient use of all natural resources. We set targets for electricity and fuel consumption, in addition to compensation programs, such as Movida's Carbon Free program

Some of our main projects include the Management of CO2 and pollutant gases emissions, waste management, conscious consumption of natural resources, and projects for the use of renewable energy.

The Group works in such a way as to contribute to SIMPAR's goal of reducing the intensity of its emissions by 15% by 2030, linked to the Sustainability-Linked Bond.

Saiba mais sobre nossos projetos de descarbonização em nosso Relatório Integrado, e acesse o nosso Relatório de Boas Práticas ESG em português ou inglês.

Crianças plantando árvores

Since its establishment, the Group seeks to generate a positive impact by contributing to the development of the communities in which we operate through social programs that have synergy with the business. The Julio Simões Institute was created in 2006 to centralize and enhance the actions and investments in the social area made by Mr. Julio Simões and his wife. In addition, the Group has been developing several initiatives aligned to its material themes.

Main initiatives:

  • Você Quer? Você Pode! (If You want it, You Can!)
  • Mulheres na Direção (Women Behind the Wheel)
  • Respeito à Diversidade (Respect for Diversity)
  • Segurança das Pessoas (People Safety)
  • Ligado em Você (Connected to You)
  • Gestão de Fornecedores (Supplier Management)
  • Programa Na Mão Certa (On the Right Track)
  • Caminho do Bem (The Path of Good)

Check out our Social Investment Policy.

Mãos próximas em sinal de união

Listed on B3's Novo Mercado since 2010, SIMPAR focuses on ensuring the highest standards of transparency, corporate responsibility, integrity and fairness in its decision-making processes and those of its subsidiaries. To this end, it has in its governance structure a Board of Directors comprising five members, two of whom are independent, and eight bodies that report directly to it.

In the context of the Group, the role of the holding company is to define strategic guidelines for business planning and development, and to ensure professionalism, independence, and the avoidance of conflicts of interest.

We are signatories of the Business Pact for Integrity and Against Corruption of the Ethos Institute, we have a Compliance Program based on the Clean Company Act and the best practices proposed by the Office of the Comptroller General (CGU); a Code of Conduct that guides our relations with the various parties; a Whistleblower Channel with guaranteed anonymity and investigation of cases, and a comprehensive Anti-Corruption Policy.

Also noteworthy is our adherence to the UN Global Compact which, since 2014, has reinforced our commitment to the ESG dimensions (Environmental, Social and Governance) and guides us in directing efforts to contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

In 2021, SIMPAR joined the Corporate Sustainability Index (ISE B3) and stood out in the Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA) and Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) sustainability indexes, scoring above the transportation and logistics sector worldwide.

Besides these actions, attentive to climate aspects, SIMPAR is in the process of maturing the rational to understand its resilience in different scenarios and has a climate risk matrix, examined in terms of financial consequences and probability of occurrence.

Access the competence matrix for board members and the risk matrix in our Integrated Report

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A Política de Sustentabilidade da SIMPAR é reflexo de nosso comprometimento com as esferas social, ambiental e de governança. No centro de nossa estratégia, a Sustentabilidade é parte relevante das estruturas de nossos negócios e está presente no dia a dia da Companhia por meio da integração de práticas de governança corporativa e da transformação do desempenho socioambiental da empresa, através de um planejamento estratégico que fundamenta as perspectivas de curto, médio e longo prazo.

Learn about our Sustainability Policy

Our commitments

Mulher 360 Instituto Ethos Empresa Cidadã Global Reporting Initiative Pacto Global Rede Brasil ONU Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável CDP Programa Brasileiro GHG Protocol Childhood Na Mão Certa