Our Group's growth and transformation are the result of various paths. In addition to the organic expansion of existing operations, we make acquisitions in accordance with strategic planning and add experience and knowledge to our diversification proposal - through a pillar that is our great differentiator: People.
Since the corporate reorganization that gave rise to the SIMPAR brand, we have boosted our cycle of development and value generation with strategic acquisitions. Each of them reflects our journey of transformation and expands the possibility of operating in increasingly diversified markets with resilient revenues.
Check out the timeline of the SIMPAR Group's acquisitions in recent years!

There are several reasons why we consider acquisitions and mergers to be part of the holding company's strategy. Intelligent moves in the market make it possible not only to expand our horizon and operate widely in essential segments of the economy, but also to connect people with the same goal: by adding people and complementary knowledge, we enable each company to reach its full potential every day.
With intelligent moves in the market, we can, in principle, increase or protect our market share; access new resources and markets or open up the possibility of offering new products and services.

We may also consider new acquisitions in order to expand our financial capacity within a business combination, or to deepen our participation in a certain sector; a factor that may improve our ability to negotiate prices and conditions with suppliers, partners and vendors, as well as increasing the reach of our brands by reaching new customers.

When we incorporate companies into the Group, we know that in practice the result of this movement is greater and more significant than simply adding a new business, since the company's revenue-generating capacity is considerably increased and it is also possible to reduce operating costs.
According to Flávia Lomba, SIMPAR's Integration and Synergies Manager, "the success of an acquisition involves a structured and planned integration process for each transaction, with a focus on preserving and extending the best practices and processes of the companies that make up the group, on seeking operational synergies without losing the essence of each Business, on maintaining and valuing the human resources that are key to the continuity and growth of the company and on investing in and sustaining the growth of the Business through the Group's ecosystem, capillarity and solid management and capital structure."

In addition, it is also essential to assess the potential synergy between the company that will be acquired and the holding company's ecosystem, since the company's Culture - ranging from the Management Model to its own Values and principles - will be on the same level as our Culture. All this is considered before any move is made.

Over the last three years, more than 170 companies have been analyzed by our M&A (Mergers and Acquisitions) specialists, and 19 of them have been incorporated into SIMPAR. In these acquisitions, in addition to reinforcing our market positioning, corporate governance attributes are taken into account, as well as adherence to our Culture and Management Model and prioritizing service with excellence for our clients.

Between 2020 and 2022, there were 18 acquisitions in Brazil and, most recently, Drive on Holidays (DOH), in Portugal (by Movida). Each of these, therefore, has been strategically incorporated into our ecosystem and is aligned with our Culture to broaden our horizons in the most different ways, adding essential values to the holding.