Check out the highlights of SIMPAR's fourth Integrated Annual Report and the main achievements in the four pillars of its corporate sustainability strategy: Environmental management and climate change; Health and safety; Productive inclusion; and Truck driver appreciation.

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Brazilian holding company formed by independent companies that operate under a high-performance management model, with activities in sectors of the real economy: JSL, Movida, Vamos, CS Brasil, Automob, Banco BBC Digital and CS Infra.

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Strategic Planning

Focus on EFFICIENCY with maximum capture of VALUE and continuous improvement of RESULTS, resulting in growth.

Companies ready to take advantage of the foundations built and which gave rise to their transformation cycles, without needing additional capital
Efficiency + Profitability = Result compatible with everything that was built

Companies ready to take advantage
of the bases and capture growth opportunities (strategic movements)

Asset maturation + evolution in capturing synergies and possible strategic movements to add value
in line with planning

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SIMPAR Highlights

BRL 35,5 billion

of gross revenue,
growth of 34%

BRL 25,5 billion

of net revenue from services,
increase of 35.5%

BRL 8.1 billion

of Adjusted Ebitda,
19% higher than 2022

SIMPAR Highlights

49,218 employees

11,022 females and 38,196 males, all working
with SIMPAR 's Jeitão

Commitment to diversity

11.6% of employees over 60 years old, 46.1% self-declared brown and 9.6%black

Programs to promote equity, such as the Women behind the Wheel Program; You want! You can!; Mentoring forWomen and carrying out of Diversity and Inclusion Census

Around 793,000

hours of training (60% more than in 2022 and an average of 16.1 hours peremployee)

SIMPAR Highlights

2,177 active contracts

with suppliers

63.9% of the total

monetary value of purchases allocated to local suppliers (higher than50.1% in 2022)

Relations of long-term partnerships with commercial partners,

with quotes and purchases carried out quickly

Destaques SIMPAR

2.177 contratos

ativos com fornecedores

63,9% do total

Do valor monetário de compras destinado a fornecedores locais (superior aos 50,1% de 2022)

SIMPAR Highlights

B3 New Market

Presencesince 2010, date of the IPO, expressing commitment to recognized governance standards

100% participation

ofpublicly traded subsidiaries in the Corporate Sustainability Index (ISE B3)

Presence in the main indices

S&P/B3Brazil ESG | S&P Brazil BMI | IGCX (Stock Index with DifferentiatedCorporate Governance) | IGC-NM (Corporate Governance Index – New Market) | ITAG(Differentiated Tag Along Stock Index) | IBRA (Broad Brazil Index) | IGCT(Trade Corporate Governance Index | SMLL (Small Caps Index) | MSCI Brazil SmallCap Index | MSCI Emerging Markets Small Cap Index | FTSE Global Equity IndexSeries Latin America

SIMPAR Highlights

Assessment in the main ESG ratings (2023)

*Presence for three consecutive cycles

With a presence in 16 economic sectors with logistics solutions, it is the leader in road freight transport in Brazil

One of the largest national vehicle rental companies, it also operates with fleet outsourcing and management and sale of used vehicles

Leader in the Brazilian market for the rental and sale of heavy vehicles, it works to renew and expand fleets of trucks, machines and equipment

CS Brasil
It operates in the provision of mobility services, public passenger transport and fleet outsourcing


Holding of new and used vehicles’ dealerships with a complete portfolio of the most diverse brands

Banco BBC DigitalSpecialized in offering financial solutions for the logistics and mobility segments, withservice focused on professional drivers

CS InfraSIMPAR Group's long-term concessions management platform, has national work in sectors of the Brazilian real economy, with contracts of integrated management of waste, ports,highways, mobility and infrastructure

Sustainability Strategy

Investment incross-business themes, connected to Values ​​and the materiality process, with a long-term vision:

Environmental management and climate change

Inits role as a holding company committed to sustainable development, SIMPAR directs and coordinates actions to minimize the environmental impacts of its subsidiary companies' operations. In this context, and considering that the transport and logistics sectors are relevant to Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, the topic of climate change is extremely material for the Company.

GHG EMISSIONS MANAGEMENT PROGRAM, to meet the Sustainability Linked Bond (SLB) commitment to reduce GHG emissions intensity by 15% by 2030.

CLIMATE RISK MATRIX with costs and financial implications mapped and constantly monitored.

SBTi APPROVAL of goals, reductionin scopes 1, 2 and 3, aligned with science on behalf of Movida.

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Health and safety

With strategic relationships with employees, customers and communities, SIMPAR works to ensure the protection of life, health and safety of all people.

All employees and their families receive free social, professional, health and legal assistance. In 2023, 8,764 services were provided and actions focused on mental health were promoted.

Before activities begin, new employees are informed on topics related to the activities carried out and receive specific guidance on their role.

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Productive inclusion

The Company investsin actions and programs to improve and qualify relations with communities and the Group's supply chain, contributing to the qualification and professional insertion of minority groups

54 females trained in 2023 (102 since creation in 2021)

624 young people trained inthree years of project

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Quality of life for truck drivers

The Company was born from the entrepreneurship of a truck driver, Julio Simões, with his generation of value directly related to the relationships of trust and quality of work established with this audience.

After a study carried out by the Julio Simões Institute, which highlighted the need and lack of courses to strengthen financial education among self-employed truck drivers, a free and gamified platform was created for training on the topic, to be launched in the first half of 2024.

GHG emissions inventory

In accordance with its Climate Change Policy, SIMPAR and its subsidiaries are committed to contributing to solutions designed to reduce global warming, following the main treaties and institutions relevant to the subject: The Paris Agreement, Science Based Targets (SBTi), UN Global Compact, Brazilian GHG Protocol Program and Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Through the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Management Program, SIMPAR monitors and manages GHG emissions resulting from the activities of its subsidiaries.The Company prepares, discloses and has its emissions inventory, which, constantly improved, encompasses scopes 1, 2 and 3 and, since 2019, has been recognized with the Gold Seal in the Brazilian GHG Protocol Program – an external attestation of transparency in dissemination of this information – audited by third-parties.

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